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V-Belt Sheaves & Bushings
Poly V Sheaves
Synchronous Belt Drives
Chain Drives
Tighteners & Idlers


An EPT Browning distributor, The Yohe Supply Company carries a large inventory of V-Belts, V/S drives, gear belts, roller chain drives, transmission and conveyor belting and more. EPT Browning is the world leader in V-belt drives. The Yohe Supply Company is proud to offer a broad spectrum of other effecient power transmission products including helical gear reducers, parallel shaft gear motors, sprockets, bearings, drives and components.

Sheaves & Sprockets

We offer a full range of sizes in two bushing types: the most popular Browning Split Taper and the Q-D bushings. When you specify Browning brand V-drives, you select from the broadest range of V-drive ratios and centers in the world-more than double the selection available from any other source.


Browning offers the largest selection of V-Belts in the Universe! Nowhere else can you find such a complete range of V-belting - and the sheaves to run them. Choose the type that's best for your application.

© 2018 Yohe Supply

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